7 Chakra Meditation Worry Stone Specimen
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Chakras are the energy centres of our body. Each of the 7 chakras represents its own concept related to the body, mind and spirit.
Each crystal has their own unique energies and can help remove energy blockages from the chakras allowing the body to function properly, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Root (Red): Grounding and stabilizing
Sacral: Good luck and inspires creativity
Solar Plexus: Self-confidence and hopes
Heart: Heals and emotional calm
Throat: Heartfelt and honest communication
Third Eye: Psychic Abilities and Dreams
Crown: Concentration and unlocks memory
More info:
Root or Base Chakra, Colour Association Red, Sanskrit Name Muladhara , Location Base of spine, coccyx
~Sacral Chakra, Colour Association Orange, Sanskrit Name Svadisthana, Location Below navel, lower abdomen
~Solar Plexus Chakra, Colour Association Yellow, Sanskrit Name Manipura, Location Above the navel, stomach area
~Heart Chakra, Colour Association Green, Sanskrit Name Anahata, Location Center of chest
~Throat Chakra, Colour Association Blue, Sanskrit Name Visuddha, Location Throat region
~Brow or Third Eye Chakra, Colour Association Indigo, Sanskit Name Anja, Location Forehead, in between the eyes.
~Crown Chakra, Colour Association Violet, Sanskrit Name Sahasrara, Location Top of head